Electrical Training Academy RTO is a Registered Training Organisation registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority.
Electrical Training Academy RTO is proud to offer training in the unit of competency UEERL0005 – Locate and rectify faults in low voltage (LV) electrical equipment using set procedures as nationally recognised training. This is the prerequisite Unit ESV requires for sitting the REL Class 1 Assessment.
This course provides learners with the skills and knowledge required to safely Locate and Rectify Faults in Fixed Wire Low Voltage Electrical Equipment.
Learners will understand how to conduct a safe Disconnect and Reconnect of Fixed Wire Low Voltage Electrical Equipment while locating and rectifying faults according to relevant regulation and safety standards. The training will include sufficient time to allow learners to practice their Locate and Rectify Fault Skills on commonly used Low Voltage Appliances.
This course is essential for people working in trades associated with the maintenance and servicing of Fixed Wire connected Low Voltage Electrical Equipment.
The course requires the completion of 10 hours of online learning combined with one day face-to-face training. Face-to-face training is delivered at our new location which is located at:
9 Longford Road Epping Victoria 3076
Please refer to the Schedule of Fees and Charges in the website footer as it contains important information about related charges and our refund policy.
The pre-requisites for this course identified within the industry training package are:
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
UEERL0004 Disconnect – reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring
Electrical Training Academy RTO does require learners to meet the following local entry requirements:
An RPL Fee of $200 applies for older prerequisite course codes prior to 2020. See Training.gov.au or contact us at Info@etarto.com.au for more details.
The assessment in support of the unit of competency requires the learner to complete a written knowledge assessment and then demonstrate their applied knowledge and skills during a practical assessment Locating and Rectifying Faults in Fixed Wire Connected Low Voltage Electrical Equipment.
The learner must answer all the written knowledge questions correctly. There is the opportunity for this knowledge assessment to be conducted verbally if the learner requires this level of support.
The practical assessment is conducted under controlled conditions in a simulated workplace. The learner will be briefed on the assessment which will involve carrying out a risk assessment, standard safety tests, and following a set procedure for safely Locating and Rectifying Faults in Fixed Wire Connected Low Voltage Electrical Equipment.
It is important to note that following the completion of the competency assessment, the learner will have the opportunity to sit the ESV Restricted Electrical License Class 1 Assessment. This assessment process is conducted according to the requirements of Energy Safe Victoria. Electrical Training Academy RTO does not retain records of the licensing assessment as these are controlled by approved ESV licensed assessor. The course fee does not cover the ESV Assessment fee.
On successfully completing the training and assessment you will be issued a Statement of Attainment issuing you the unit of competency: UEERL0005 – Locate and rectify faults in low voltage (LV) electrical equipment using set procedures.
This unit of competence is nationally recognised and provides individuals with a valuable outcome that is recognised throughout Australia.
The issuance of the unit of competency will provide you an important part of the eligibility criteria to obtain a License for Restricted Electrical Work. Please refer to the section https://esv.vic.gov.au/licensing-coes/electrical-licences/restricted-electrical-workers-licence/ for more information of the licensing process.
Delivery of this course will be a blended approach of online learning and trainer led and delivered using face-to-face training in a classroom setting combined with skills practice and assessment in a simulated workplace.
Elective Units
Learner training is supported through the provision of quality learning materials and resources.
Learners should attend the course in comfortable appropriate work clothing with safety shoes. All consumables are supplied as part of the course. Learners need to provide their own Glove Set (insulated inners with leather outers), as well as an Insulation Resistance Tester. We have loaners if you are in a pinch for training purposes, but the ESV Assessment Facility requires you bring your own to your ESV Assessment. Sharing is permitted.
We sell Glove Sets for $120 +GST (full set of insulated inners with leather outers)
We sell Insulation Resistance Testers for $425 +GST
Cost of this course does not include your ESV REL Class 1 Assessment.
REL Class 1
A learner’s position in the course will only be confirmed upon our receipt of a completed enrolment form via this website and your receipt of a confirmation email from us.
Numbers are limited, so confirmed enrolments will only be able to attend on the day of training.
Electrical Training Academy RTO is responsible under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 for the quality of the training and assessment being delivered in this course and for the issuance of all AQF certificates.
Please refer to the Student Handbook in the website footer for further information on all student rights and obligations.
This document must be read in conjunction with the Learner Handbook, Schedule of Fees & Charges and USI Fact Sheet also in the website footer.
Our training approach is focused on bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Hands-on training & coaching from senior industry electricians that have seen and done it all & are here to help you.
With no more than 10 people per class (some limited to 6), you can learn and focus on the areas you need the most help with to get you across the line.
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